Video: Ken Block In South Korea

South Korea has become a much larger player on the world stage, exporting everything from cutting edge cars to super pop songs. Seoul, the country’s capital city is one of the largest cities on the planet, and it has been attracting international attention as well. It seems only fitting that Ken Block make a stop there along his world tour.

This video follows Ken Block’s “Seoul Experience” in the Korean capital, where thousands of fans showed up to partake in Monster Energy drinks and fast-driving Ken Block action. This was the latest stop on a world tour that has seen Block go to some other cultural capitals like Budapest.

While Korea has a burgeoning car industry, high-output vehicles like Block’s 600 horsepower Fiesta H.F.H.V. or Gymkhana-prepped Ford F-150 Raptor are in short supply. Stunt bikers, street drifters, and a parade of energy drink-hyped motorsports experts were rolled out to entertain adoring Korean fans. In spite of the “threat” of nuclear annihilation coming for the envious neighbors to the north, it appears everyone is forgetting their troubles for now and having a good time.

As he did in Budapest, Block took some lucky fans out in the car for the ride of their life. The event featured a  synchronized team driving event that is essentially dancing, but with race cars.  Block’s main event was a no-holds-barred Gymkhana-style exhibition that the crowd went crazy for. Block definitely gave South Korea a taste of the American experience.


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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