Video: Man Drives Mustang from Under Tornado Wreckage

Last week a rash of super storms that included huge, powerful tornadoes, ravaged the south. Alabama was the hardest hit, and a massive tornado tore through the heart of Tuscaloosa, leaving hundreds dead. Whole towns were wiped off of the map, and people have lost everything that held any meaning in their life. It’s an awful situation, but people are already starting to rebuild and trying to resume some sense of normalcy.

But even in the wake of unspeakable disaster, humanity has a way of finding hope, even in the smallest miracles, like this video from WFAA of storm-ravaged Mustang somehow extracting itself from the wreckage under its own power.

Nobody has been able to dig up any details on the who, what, when, where, or how of this small miracle. All we can tell is that this is an SN95 Mustang convertible, meaning its probably close to 15 years old. And this car has been absolutely wrecked by the storm; the front end is smashed, the windshield has a huge hole in it, and the fenders are hanging off.

The poor thing sounds just awful too, though towards the end we can hear the sound of a V8 and possibly even a supercharger. Not that it matters as this poor Mustang is a total loss, no matter what. That’s not what this video is about though. It’s about taking pride and hope in a small miracle, in something happening that shouldn’t. While the South, and especially Alabama, have a long way to go before returning to anything considered “normal,” this Miracle Mustang is a reminder that anything is possible.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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