COMP Cams Offers Telephone Tech Support Even On Saturdays!

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How many times have you been working away on your musclecar, sports car, hot rod, race car, or truck on a Saturday and needed some quick advice from an expert? And we don’t mean that guy down the street. The sad fact is that so many performance and replacement parts manufacturers shutter their operations on one of the prime wrenching days of the week.

It is a bit frustrating to find out that you’re going to have to wait until Monday to find out exactly why things are not going the way you thought they would, or if there is something in the installation instructions you don’t understand. There is a solution, though.

If you had purchased the product for your rig from one of the COMP Cams companies, which include COMP Cams, FAST, TCI, ZEX, RHS, InglesePowerhouse, VThunder, and Quarter Master, you would be in luck. The COMP Cams tech hotline is open for business and ready to help you on Saturdays. You can call the technicians between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (Central Time) to get all your questions answered. That way while you are elbow deep in the job on your car or truck, you can have a COMP Cams tech line technician walk you through your situation and get the work done that day, just as you had planned.

On any other day (Monday through Friday) of the week (except Sundays of course, I mean, even these guys need a day off) you can also get first-class assistance with your project through the COMP Cams Live Chat Tech Support, CPG Tech Forums, and even on Twitter! Be sure to check out the company’s comprehensive F.A.Q. page as well.

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About the author

Stuart Bourdon

A passion for anything automotive (especially off-road vehicles), camping, and photography led to a life exploring the mountains and deserts of the Southwest and Baja, and a career in automotive, outdoor, and RV journalism.
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